Romanization and teaching Taiwan’s languages

Three recent articles.







source: 缺乏實用環境、教材不夠生活化 母語教師教學遇瓶頸, 台北報導 September 26, 2005



台北市福德國小教師蔡 (糸秀)珍表示,鄉土語言教師編教材要結合時事經驗和生活化,她曾在兩年前把SARS編成童謠。






source: 母語教師:鄉土語教學應有一套統整拼音工具, 中央社 September 26, 2005







source: 得獎老師嗆聲:政府不該排斥羅馬拼音, 台北報導 September 27, 2005

Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

For many years, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has been an important voice for human rights in Taiwan, including the right of people to speak and worship in their native language.

Probably the best-established romanization system for writing Taiwanese (Hoklo, Hokkien, Minnan, etc.) is known as the “church system,” having been developed by Presbyterian missionaries. Publications are still being issued in this, as I intend to discuss in a later edition of Pinyin News.

Through the efforts of David Alexander, many writings and news releases from the church are available in English.

Articles that might be of interest to readers of Pinyin News include:

Taiwan naturalization and language exams

The Taipei Times reports that Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior has drafted amendments to the regulations for acquiring ROC citizenship.

The amendments, which are still under discussion, would require naturalization applicants to possess basic language ability in either Mandarin, Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese), Hakka or any of the nation’s Aboriginal languages. I’m very glad of the inclusiveness of this test, which contrasts well with what is being done in China. (I’ll post about Beijing’s actions in Shanghai later.)

An exam on citizen rights and responsibilities, such as in regard to taxation and education, will be offered in any one of the above languages in both written and oral format. Applicants may choose either format, which will feature 20 questions. [emphasis added]

Those who have studied in private or public schools in Taiwan for more than a year or who have taken government-recognized classes for more than 200 hours will not need to take the exam.

Sample exam questions and answers should be available in about six weeks, with the final version of the proposal to be ready by the beginning of next year.

It may be too much to hope for a version of the test in romanization, but I’ll try to keep abreast of the progress of this.

source: Ministry floats draft changes to naturalization law

Addendum: The China Post, a much less reliable newspaper (in large part because it frequently relies on bad translations of badly written stories from the local Mandarin Chinese papers), reports this somewhat differently.

Hakka and Chinese characters

I’ll comment on this later.

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Taiwan citizenship and Mandarin

Today’s Taipei Times has the following note:

Citizenship changes proceed

Foreign nationals seeking Taiwanese citizenship will be required to have a basic grasp of Mandarin and an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a Taiwanese citizen if an amendment to the Nationality Law (國籍法 guójí fǎ) is passed. The amendment was approved by the legislature’s Home and Nations Committee yesterday and sent for further screening to a legislative plenary session. According to the amendment, the Ministry of the Interior will set the standards regarding basic language ability and knowledge of citizen rights and responsibilities. The ministry will also be responsible for testing applicants. Vice Minister of the Interior Chien Tai-lang (簡太郎) said that the amendment is aimed at bringing naturalization laws in line with those of such English-speaking countries as the US, Canada and New Zealand.

According to an official U.S. government Web site on U.S. citizenship and immigration services, “To be eligible for naturalization, you must be able to read, write, and speak basic English.” (Emphasis mine.)

The few Web pages I’ve scanned about Canadian citizenship are not as specific about the language requirement. I get the impression, though, that being able to read and write French or English is not required as long as speaking ability exists. I didn’t see anything specific about the English-language requirement for New Zealand, either.

Official talk of a language requirement for ROC (Taiwan) citizenship surfaced about a year ago. At the time, I called the Ministry of the Interior to inquire about the situation. If applicants for citizenship are required to be able to read and write Mandarin in Chinese characters, this would be a substantial barrier to naturalization — much more so than being able to read or write a language that is written in an alphabetic script.

I was told that reading and writing Chinese characters would not be required. I hope that is still the intention of the government.

I also inquired whether languages of Taiwan other than Mandarin would be acceptable, and I was told they would be. Thus, someone able to speak Taiwanese (Hokkien, Minnan, Holo…), Hakka, or, rather less likely, one of the languages of Taiwan’s tribes, would be able to meet the language requirement without knowledge of Mandarin. I hope that this, too, is still the intention of the government.

I suspect some of the ambiguity may lie in how Guóyǔ (國語) is translated. Most of the time the word refers to Mandarin. Recently, however, the government has occasionally chosen to translate Guóyǔ not as “national language” (i.e. Mandarin) but “national languages” (i.e. the more than one dozen languages of Taiwan: Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka, and the languages of Taiwan’s tribes).

Mayor Ma on learning Hakka and Taiwanese

In 馬英九怕被叫馬爺爺 開心唱客家歌, Taipei Mayor Ma Ying-jeou offers a few remarks on Hakka, Taiwanese, and how they may be learned.

Mǎ Yīngjiǔ shuō, Kèyǔ hé Táiyǔ qíshí dōu kěyǐ yòng zhùyīn fúhào, zàijiā shàng jǐ gè yīn lái jiào, xiǎopéngyou kěyǐ yīcì xué sān zhǒng yǔyán, bùyīdìng yào yòng Luómǎ pīnyīn, zēngjiā xuéxí nándù.


The article isn’t very well written. But Ma seems to have a prejudice against romanization that should be corrected. Nonetheless, it’s hard for this Pinyin advocate to get too worked up about this because Ma is the one who finally brought some order to the signage of Taipei with the thorough implementation of Hanyu Pinyin.

Whatever they might think of other aspects of his politics, many foreigners in Taiwan are deeply appreciative of Ma’s administration for this, despite the awful, awful InTerCaPiTaLiZaTion.

languages of Taiwan







由於各級學校一星期只有一堂母語教學課,編審會也提供有聲課本,民眾可上網 學習,增加學習機會;而非原住民也可以利用這些教材自學自修。

new translations from the Bible into Hakka

Taiwan’s Bible Association recently released “Good News for the Hakka: Proverbs, Psalms and the Gospel According to John” in one volume. Association General Secretary Lai Chun-ming said, “This book makes use of the contemporary Hakka vernacular as it is spoken on the street. Insofar as it was possible the translation was made so as to put the Bible into an idiom that can easily be grasped and passed along.”

Mr. Lai said that the publication was aided by a donation from the Rev. Jerry Cole, a missionary from the Southern Baptist Convention. Of the 7,000 volumes published, Mr. Cole advance-purchased 4,000 for use in mission work. Remaining funding came through the Hakka Gospel Association and the Hakka Bible Translation Committee.

Rev. Peng Der-kuei, specialized minister for Hakka mission at Taipei’s Shuang-lien Presbyterian Church, said that the special features of this new volume include combined use of Chinese characters and Romanization accompanied by a preface in which the Romanization system for Hakkanese is clearly explained.

The Hakka Gospel Association has 2,000 volumes available for sale. Those wishing a copy can contact the group in Taiwan at 03 5945546.
