sign of ignorance

I came across an article today about some sign designers working in China. The title alone, “Graphics That Bridge a Linguistic Divide”, was enough to raise a red flag (pun not intended), because for many it will evoke the widespread myth that Chinese characters transcend languages.

The designers were describing the making of a large sign for the “Suzhou International Exposition Centre” (苏州国际博览中心 Sūzhōu guójì bólǎn zhōngxīn).

Here’s a good example of the problems with their remarks:

“The last two characters for Centre–it’s interesting they went with the British spelling–are actually redundant,” Calori says. “Often you see the seventh character–it means ‘middle’–for center. But the client also added the eighth character, which is the symbol of ‘heart.’ The heart is the middle, so they reinforce each other. This was a total embellishment.” Adds Vanden-Eynden: “They wanted the warm, fuzzy heart center, as opposed to the cold, hard center of hell.”

This is so wrongheaded and absurd it’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry. The client didn’t add the eighth character (心). It’s used in writing the word for “center,” which is zhōngxīn (中心). The only thing “fuzzy” here is the thinking behind this nonsense. It’s possible, though, that the designers aren’t responsible for this way of thinking; few Chinese people are aware of how their own writing system works and thus tend to believe such crap.

Colors: … “There are certain colors, you don’t use. White, for instance, is the color of death. It’s like directing people to a funeral.”

Well, yes, white can have that connotation. But white is the background color of the sign! Are the designers saying they wanted to direct people to a funeral? Of course not. The reality is that white has that connotation only in certain contexts. So what’s all this talk about leading people to a funeral? Sheesh.

Letters vs. Characters: … “Each character is really an idea,” Calori says.


“They’re called ideograms.”

Although some people, through ignorance or force of habit, might use this unfortunate term, the fact remains that Chinese characters aren’t ideograms.

The pullbox giving “character dissection” is also an embarrassment. Almost everything there is wrong or at least misleading. They couldn’t even get many of the tones right.

But the article isn’t a total washout. A few points are of interest.

Sizing: English characters tend to be heavy compositionally, while Chinese is complex and delicate. “So we always size Chinese twenty percent taller to give it balance,” Vanden-Eynden says.

Type Position: The Chinese characters appear here in the “superior” position, on the left side. “In Hong Kong, before the handover, English always appeared first,” Vanden-Eynden says. “On the mainland today, Chinese is always in the superior position, but the Chinese still want English on all their signs, even if there are no tourists around, because to them it makes it look like [they are part of] the 21st century.”

Fonts: Due to the seemingly infinite nature of Chinese, there are a limited amount of usable fonts. “Unlike here, you don’t have 10,000 readable options,” Vanden-Eynden says. “You have what they call the big five type faces.”

Chengdu signage

地名标志只能汉拼双写 2005年04月13日03:33 四川在线-天府早报



signage in Guangzhou

广州拟投资355万元设立新型国际化路标 2005年04月06日01:11 信息时报

  时报讯 (记者 高江虹 通讯员 穗规宣) 记者昨日从广州市规划局获悉,为解决目前指路标志存在交通指示不足、信息表现形式不一、交通信息连贯性差、牌面视认性较差、部分指路标志过期使用及引导信息过时等等问题。广州将借助“申亚”成功的契机,着手进行一系列指路标志系统改造,使整个指路标志系统更加规范化、国际化。目前包括投资355万元让重点部门、大型公建及旅游景点都设立新型国际化路标。












public signage in Fuzhou














规范的地名标志 应包含哪些内容


the means to literacy that dare not speak its name

I did a little more looking today for information on literacy in China. I’m amazed — or perhaps not — that so little attention has been paid to it officially, at least if Chinese government Web sites are representative.

I did find a site called China Literacy Online, which features a literacy-related chronology. I looked through that for mentions of Pinyin.

The first is, interestingly, from 1951:








Here’s one from December 13, 1958:


And another from December 1959:



That’s it. There are no more mentions of Pinyin after this. A mere three stories out of 189 mention Pinyin.

A search on that site yields but seven hits for “拼音” and none at all for “pinyin”.

names, characters, and rules in China

A couple in Guangzhou gave their twins the names of “钟共” and “钟央”, which is essentially naming them 中共 (Zhōng-Gòng “Chinese Communist Party”) and 中央 (zhōngyāng “central government”) but with different characters.

Note that this is not at all the same thing as having people having to ask, “Excuse me, does your name mean ‘central share’? ‘Clock together’?” etc., etc. Context and the fact that some words/expressions/usages are more common than others tells native speakers what’s going on (unless someone’s playing games, as is the case with these names). Consider, for example, the English:

I have two.
I have to.
I have, too.

These are all perfectly fine English. But people don’t find themselves having to say, “I’m sorry. Do you mean T-W-O, T-O, or T-O-O? Or do you perhaps mean ‘E-Y-E H-A-L-V-E T-W-O’?” (etc., etc.)

Objections of homophony against pinyin as a writing system are bunk.

I’ve emphasized a few paragraphs, stating that Chinese characters must be used in names, not Pinyin or English. Hmm.

入户广州的双胞胎名字引起争议 有市民建议给起名立个规矩。

  本版撰文/时报记者 袁丁广州有句土话叫“不怕生错命,就怕起错名”。为了能够给孩子取个有意义的名字,很多家长可谓煞费苦心。日前,记者从一位朋友处获悉,他为自己的双胞胎儿子分别取名为:“钟共”、“钟央”,两孩子名字连起来读,与我国党中央的发音完全一致。不少人认为这两个孩子的名字颇有创意,但同时也有人认为取这个名字不严肃,会不会对孩子的成长有负作用?一时间众说纷纭。于是就有市民建议,是不是也该给起名立个规矩?

  取名成功 双胞胎名叫“钟共”“钟央”




  取名失败 名叫“周蒽莱”入户遭拒绝



  争议焦点 对公民命名该不该限制?

  中立 公民有自主取名的权利


  反对 用伟人名字会引起反感



  赞成 多元化姓名会越来越多









Hebei’s rules on the use of pinyin

I stumbled across this earlier.

Notice on transmitting the people’s government of Hebei about standardizing and using Chinese Pin Yin to spell the standard place name further of Ministry of Civil Affairs

(release on May 26, 2003)

The 102nd of letters of the people (2003) May 26, 2003

Every Bureau of Civil Affairs of province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government (office), the place name administrative department in charge in Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai:

To spell, translate and write the place name according to relevant national regulation is the request of masses of the people, it meets the desirability of urbanization, informationization, and globalization. It is the duties of the people’s governments at all levels to strengthen the work of management and service of the place name, and to improve the standardization of the name of the place. People’s government in Hebei province attaches importance to the work of standardization of name, issued the notice on standardizing and using Chinese Phonetic Alphabet to spell the standard place name further recently, has made the clear regulation in the way of writing, spelling the standard place name, the range of standard name included and the request of standard name using. Publicize here for reference.

After joining WTO, in order to meet the needs of internationalization, our country has improved the speed of stepping in line with international standards in such fields as economy, etc. The place name, which is taken as a media in people’s society’s association and economic activity, has been closely related to various kinds of economic activities and the people’s daily life. Especially in the modern society, with the development of market economy and quickening of the economic globalization process, place name, as an indispensable propagation information carrier, the frequency of its utilization is higher and higher, and the voice to make it keep up with international standards is stronger and stronger. So the demand of standardization, formalization and informationization becomes more and more urgent.

The spelling of the Roman alphabet of Chinese place name is regarded as Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet which announced by the country as the norm of unifying. It is proposed by our country, passed through discussion in “The Third Meeting of the Standardized Place Name” in the United Nations, accepted and used extensively in many countries including main country of American-European area in the world as an international standard. Some country’s relevant laws and regulations as NATIONAL LAW OF SPOKEN AND WRITTEN LANGUAGES IN COMMON USE OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. RULES OF PLACENAME MANAGEMENT, etc. have done the clear provisions with this. Hope all parts carry out laws and regulations and policies of the national relevant place name conscientiously, and do a good job of standardization of the place name of our country.

Notice on standardizing and using Chinese Phonetic Alphabet to spell the standard place name further of the people’s government of Hebei province.

The 35th of policy letter of Ji (2003)
April 17th, 2003
Each municipal government which set up administrative sanction, each department in provincial government:

According to the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet which was passed in the “The Third Meeting of the Standardized Place Names” in the United Nations as the international standard spelling of the Roman alphabet of Chinese place name, and the State Council regulations “Use the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet to Spell the Standard Place Name of Our Country”, now notify the problems on further standardizing Chinese phonetic alphabet and using it to spell the standard place name as follows:

  1. The writing and spelling of standard place name

    1. Writing the place name with Chinese characters, should use national standard Chinese characters confirmed.
    2. Spelling Chinese name with the Chinese phonetic alphabet, must spell according to THANSLITERATION RULES FOR CHINA’S PLACE NAMES INTO CHINESE PHONETIC ALPHABETS (chapters of Chinese place names).
    3. Translating and writing of Chinese characters of the place name of ethnic minority according to relevant regulations; Its spelling method is carried out according to THANSLITERATION MEASURES FOR PLACE NAMES FROM MINORITY LANGUAGES INTO CHINESE PHONETIC ALPHABETS
    4. Cannot use English and other foreign languages to spell the place name.
  2. The standard place name includes

    1. Such administrative division names as the province and city, county (including the county-level city , district ), township (town ) ,etc., such names as the villagers’ committee, natural village, subdistrict office, residents committee, etc.;
    2. Names of Street, road, path, lane, small lane, Li, Nong;
    3. Development zone, industrial area, trade and business district, residential block, biotope and such names as the number (unit plate, room plate) ,etc.
    4. Such entity’s names of physical geography as mountain, river, lake, sea, shallow lake, bay, mud flat, island and reef, etc.;
    5. The names of platform, stand, port, field, railway, road, bridge, floodgate containing, reservoir, channel, scenic spot, scenic spots and historical sites, commemorative site, excursion center, buildings (group) , cultural stadium , enterprises and institutions, etc., which have meanings.
  3. Must use the standard place name in the following activities and items:

    1. The agreement that signed in foreign language with foreign countries;
    2. The document, announcement, and certificate which are issued by the organ, army, public organization , enterprises and institutions;
    3. All kinds of newspapers and periodicals, the map or relevant books and broadcast, movie ,TV , etc.;
    4. All kinds of trade mark, board, advertisement, official seal, etc.;
    5. The street (way) lane (small lane) sign , floor (institute) number (unit plate, room plate), scenic spot direction sign , traffic sign , public transport station board;
    6. Effective certificate, business license and household registration for Postal service, communication, and domicile.
  4. Relevant regulations issued before, if not in accordance with a content of announcement ones, subject to this notice. If not go with the notice, correct it immediately.

Tongyong Pinyin and Taipei County

I’ve seen a few new street signs in Banqiao, Taipei County, in Tongyong Pinyin. Even the whole issue of Tongyong Pinyin vs. Hanyu Pinyin aside, the new signs are terrible, with the romanization far too small to read. Another bunch of money down the drain, making a bad situation worse.

出版品英譯 中縣府決採中央版
記者柯永輝/豐原報導 03/24 04:25




