new Taiwanese dictionary

Actually, it’s a little hard to figure out exactly what this article is saying, other than that there is soon going to be a new dictionary of Taiwanese done in Tongyong Pinyin. It seems to have been made not by a scholar but by a retired businessman, who spent five years working on it. But then the article starts talking about software and Microsoft Word. Does anyone have any more information?

咱台語尚美! 苦心完成新字典
民視 2005-01-15 16:14

一套目前台灣最有系統整理的通用台語字典,已經編纂完成,即將在春節過後正式出版,這是吳崑松老先生在退休之後, 投入五年心血,所完成的鉅著,他期望新一代在學台語的時候,不僅能和國際接軌,也能更輕鬆.現有台灣通用台語字典小小一本,連通用客語字典都比它厚得多, 不過吳崑松老先生所完成卻是更厚的上下兩冊九千字的通用台語字典,即將在春節過後正式出版,還獲得李前總統與陳水扁總統的簽名留念.以通用拼音來學台語, 將傳統台語八調簡化成六調.號稱百分之九十五的發音和英文相容不須要另加套裝軟體,直接就可以在電腦Word上面作業.這是吳崑松在從事國際貿易退休後, 全力投 注五年時間所完成的作品,只希望能完成一個心願,讓有更多的新一代,體會到台語之美.(民視新聞陳淑貞,陳君宜台北報導)

Tongyong Taiwanese dictionary

咱台語尚美! 苦心完成新字典
民視 2005-01-15 16:14

一套目前台灣最有系統整理的通用台語字典,已經編纂完成,即將在春節過後正式出版,這是吳崑松老先生在退休之後, 投入五年心血,所完成的鉅著,他期望新一代在學台語的時候,不僅能和國際接軌,也能更輕鬆.現有台灣通用台語字典小小一本,連通用客語字典都比它厚得多, 不過吳崑松老先生所完成卻是更厚的上下兩冊九千字的通用台語字典,即將在春節過後正式出版,還獲得李前總統與陳水扁總統的簽名留念.以通用拼音來學台語, 將傳統台語八調簡化成六調.號稱百分之九十五的發音和英文相容不須要另加套裝軟體,直接就可以在電腦Word上面作業.這是吳崑松在從事國際貿易退休後, 全力投 注五年時間所完成的作品,只希望能完成一個心願,讓有更多的新一代,體會到台語之美.(民視新聞陳淑貞,陳君宜台北報導)

languages of Taiwan







由於各級學校一星期只有一堂母語教學課,編審會也提供有聲課本,民眾可上網 學習,增加學習機會;而非原住民也可以利用這些教材自學自修。

Ministry of Education to release Hoklo word list

閩南語用詞 沒羅馬化









Ministry releases character list for Taiwanese

2004-11-02 3:00




Taiwanese skit competition 2

The skits from the second day of the Taiwanese-language school play competition (see previous blog entry) were not as retro as the previous day’s had been. The skits from the junior high students were instead much more “modern,” which I take as a very good sign. On the other hand, the scripts for the plays on the second day were also predominantly — sometimes exclusively (though that doesn’t work well) — in Chinese characters.

Taiwanese skit competition

My mother in law will be a judge tomorrow in the Taipei County junior high school Taiwanese play contest, so my wife and I went over to the site of the competition today to pick up some material for her that hadn’t arrived through the mail yet. The stage was occupied today by groups from the county’s elementary schools, so we stayed to watch some of the 10-minute skits. A few things stood out, beyond the usual charming amateurism of youngsters in school plays.

All of the skits featured adults as well as children — actual adults, not just kids playing a role. Perhaps this is a cultural difference, because I can’t imagine that grownups would be included in children’s plays in America.

All of the skits also featured rural themes and/or the elderly. While there’s nothing wrong with this, I would have been much happier to see some skits in Taiwanese about astronauts, CEOs, scientists, glamorous movie stars, or even rap music stars. If Taiwanese speakers see their language as just of the past, or just of the countryside, it’s going to die.

I had a look at the script for one of the plays. It was almost entirely in Chinese characters, with a few words written in romanization and a sprinkling of zhuyin fuhao. Most unfortunate.

‘recognizing’ Taiwan’s languages

Law recognizing all languages urged

The government must take steps to legally preserve the diversity of Taiwan’s multicultural society while simultaneously working toward ethnic reconciliation, said academics and experts at the Ethnic and Cultural Development Conference yesterday.

Future policies should legalize the use and establish the importance of local languages, seek to accurately reflect a multicultural Taiwanese identity and avoid the assimilation-focused policies of the past, they said.

Over 200 participants gathered to talk with academics and political figures in the National Central Library on the first day of the three-day conference sponsored by the Council for Cultural Affairs, Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP), Council for Hakka Affairs, the Ministry of Education and the Veterans Affairs Commission.

In his opening remarks to the conference, President Chen Shui-bian (???) urged people to forget the mistakes of the past and focus on the future….

A focus of the conference yesterday was a draft law making all the languages used by ethnic groups in Taiwan national languages.

The proposed national languages development law would guarantee equal respect for all Taiwan-ese tongues, such as Hakka, Hoklo and all Aboriginal languages, Chen said.

The law, emphasized Chen, would not demand that everyone learn all national languages and would establish Mandarin as the official language to be used in government and administrative proceedings, said Chen.

Legal recognition of each dia-lect’s status is important, Chen said, because without such recognition “there would still be a long way to go towards ethnic reconciliation….”

“Although 77 percent of the ethnic Hoklo speak Hoklo at home, about 20 percent speak Mandarin in the home. For the Hakka, the percentage of people speaking Mandarin at home [41] exceeds that of those speaking Hakka [31], and we don’t even need to talk about the huge number of Aboriginals that do not speak their native tongue in the home,” said Peter Tuin (???), a professor at National Taitung University….

conference website