InTerCaPiTaLiZaTion InFects EnGlish SignAge

Michael Churchman provided me with this shot from somewhere in China:
ToiLets (with an intercapped L)

And Mark Caltonhill sent me this instant classic several years ago from the streets of Taipei. But I may not have displayed it yet on this blog:
directional sign reading 'TaiPei RaiLway StaTion' (with a capital P in Taipei, a capital L in Railway and the second T capitalized in Station)

The division of railway makes it even better.

5 thoughts on “InTerCaPiTaLiZaTion InFects EnGlish SignAge

  1. Ah, of course,
    $ /usr/games/studly < /etc/motd
    LiNux JidaNni1 2.6.38-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Apr 7 05:24:21 uTC 2011 i686

    THe pRogrAms InclUded witH thE DeBian GNU/LinUx sYsteM arE frEe sOftwAre;
    the exaCt dIstrIbutIon TermS foR eaCh pRogrAm aRe dEscrIbed in The
    IndiViduAl fIles in /usr/shaRe/dOc/*/copYrigHt.

    DebIan gNU/linuX coMes With ABSoLUTeLY nO WaRRAnTY, to The ExteNt
    pErmiTted by ApplIcabLe lAw.

    And it's too bad you common persons
    can't run those programs on your common persons'
    operating system.

  2. Pingback: InTerCapiTaliZaTion « The News From Wabu-eup

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