some grammatical terms &c. in English and Mandarin

I just typed out this list of terms for someone and thought I might as well make it available here in case anyone else would find it useful.

English Pinyin traditional simplified
noun míngcí 名詞 名词
verb dòngcí 動詞 动词
adjective xíngróngcí 形容詞 形容词
adverb fùcí 副詞 副词
numeral shùcí 數詞 数词
measure word liàngcí 量詞 量词
pronoun dàicí 代詞 代词
preposition jiècí 介詞 介词
conjunction liáncí 連詞 连词
particle zhùcí 助詞 助词
interjection tàncí 嘆詞 叹词
onomatopoeia xiàngshēngcí 象聲詞 象声词
prefix qiánzhuì 前綴 前缀
suffix hòuzhuì 後綴 后缀
construction jiégòu 結構 结构

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