update for Karlgren now available

image of the cover of Minimal Old Chinese and Later Han Chinese: A Companion to Grammata Serica RecensaThe latest release in the University of Hawai`i Press’s groundbreaking ABC Chinese Dictionary Series is Minimal Old Chinese and Later Han Chinese: A Companion to Grammata Serica Recensa, by Axel Schuessler.

The list price is US$58. Amazon currently offers it for US$39.52. (I’m testing to see if acting as a shill will succeed in bringing me kickbacks from the net-commerce giant.)

I suppose I could describe the book more. But if the name Bernhard Karlgren and the book’s title don’t mean anything to you, then this probably isn’t a volume you need just yet, important though it is for its field.

previous announcement: updating Karlgren: a forthcoming reference book, August 14, 2008