The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy
by John DeFrancis
Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, 1984.
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- Preface
- Introduction: The Singlish Affair
Rethinking "The Chinese Language"
- On Defining "Chinese" and "Language"
- A Sketch of Spoken Chinese
- Idiolects, Dialects, Regionalects, and Languages
Rethinking Chinese Characters
- What's in a Name?
- From Pictographs to What?
- How Do Chinese Characters Represent Sound?
- How Do Chinese Characters Convey?
Demythifying Chinese Characters
- The Ideographic Myth sample chapter
- The Universality Myth
- The Emulatability Myth
- The Monosyllabic Myth
- The Indispensability Myth
- The Successfulness Myth
Chinese Language Reform
- Speech Reform
- Writing Reform
- Notes
- Glossary
- Suggested Reading
- References
- Index
- errata (not found in published edition)