Taipei's [ridiculous] nicknumbering system for street names

Here is the official but mistake-filled Taipei City Government map of the nicknumbering system for the main streets of Taipei.

small version of Taipei street map

view larger and clearer version of this Taipei street map

Here are some of the many mistakes on this map:

Thus, not only was the nicknumbering system a monumentally stupid idea, the official guide to it is unprofessional and riddled with errors. Typical!

That's more than fifty errors on just one simple, little map. Some of these errors are significant, some aren't. None of them, however, would have been difficult for a competent, experienced copy editor to find and correct. The sheer quantity of mistakes reveals the sloppy, slipshod, unprofessional approach Taipei takes to such matters. Imagine what Taipei's plan to have English versions of everything by Sept. 30, 2002, is going end up like! I have yet to see even a Taipei map with correct and consistent romanization. That shouldn't be too much to ask.

The Taipei City Government needs to learn that mei guanxi isn't good enough.

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